It took me a long time to decide whether I could consistently put effort into a blog. I wanted to make sure that I was clear on my message and that it had an authentic purpose. A purpose that fulfilled me on many levels, and had something unique to offer to those taking the time to read it. 

My role as a makeup artist isn’t a straightforward one. I’ve worked in the beauty industry in many capacities, in many different environments, and have viewed it from many angles. My perspective has always been one that stands just outside of the mainstream, mostly because I am always looking at things critically and considering the greater message that it’s sending.

I love products. Working with skin, makeup and hair lends itself to countless exciting obsessions. I devote a lot of time to constantly navigating the options, sorting through the good and bad, and forming my own opinions through experimenting on set and on myself. I think that’s one of the highlights of any makeup artist’s role - finding the gems in the industry and sharing it with every single person that they know (or anyone who’s interested).

…but there’s so much more to beauty than products. There are the perspectives that form our definition of beauty in the first place. There is the marketing and social conditioning that can shape how we view ourselves and others. There are trends that temporarily alter and shift this definition. There are empowering and oppressive effects of what we define as beauty and it’s all an extension of our social, political and cultural surroundings.

These are the topics I also want to discuss.

Lastly, clean and natural beauty is near and dear to my heart. It always has been, even prior to there being many products that could be labelled as such. From a very young age, I was scanning the local eco-conscious boutique and health food stores for what resonated with me and what I felt others would enjoy. This tendency has evolved and become a large part of my profession. The industry has grown tremendously and rapidly, and there is confusion surrounding, opposing and even existing within it. I spend a lot of time researching brands, ingredients and the language that is used to communicate what brands are offering. I want to share this knowledge and experience with you, as well, because what good is it if I keep it all to myself?

Overall, my intention and purpose is to educate and open beauty up for conversation, because we are all affected by it.

There will likely be posts about the benefits and uses of products, philosophical musings about the meaning and effects of beauty, critical posts about the beauty industry and various perspectives within it, and suggestions for how we can evolve and create positive change.

This is my goal - to provide insight and a broader perspective that stems from my varied experience as a makeup artist and woman of color. It’s a hefty pursuit, but I want to ignite conversation and change, and this is one of my first steps towards that.

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